
Train Simulator & Driver Games & Driver Games – 火车:铁路交通驾驶游戏 – 火車:鐵路交通駕駛遊戲

No Comments » Written on October 2nd, 2022 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids, Cantonese

The best game for train lovers is here! We could assemble train parts, carriage in different style and passenger in this game.

And more, drive your own train to take a trip in the amazing world of ice-cream.
In the trip, we could be a train staff in the train uniform. Check if the luggage is properly stacked, take a trail in control room to control the equipment, driving into high-speed railway station etc.
Also, there are lots of assambling game for railways tracks, for you to design the pathway for trains to travel between city and countryside.
This is so much fun, that you can’t miss. The train is departing! Come and play now!

- Assembling steam train - understand train parts, wheels and mechanic structures and how they work together.

- Professions Role Playing Games - get to know the daily work of a train staff or high-speed train operator.
- Many fun carriages in different style available for you to create your own train, Regular carriage for passenger, pumpkin carriage, cake carriage, carriage of coal, flat carriage etc.
- Provides many fun track puzzles to design your path. The train would go to destination following the designed path.
- Each train part has a name, while the user chooses any of them, a voice will tell them the name of the chosen train part. The fun activity is for the game user to learn more words and mechanic knowledge.
- Supports Simplify Chinese and Traditional Chinese.
- Two models of pronunciation: Mandarin, Cantonese.





- 拼装蒸汽火车,了解火车部件,轮子,和机械结构。

- 职业体验游戏:了解火车工作人员和高铁司机的日常工作。

- 提供普通客车厢,南瓜车厢,蛋糕车厢,煤炭车厢,平板货车厢等多款有趣的车厢组合您喜爱火车专列。

- 提供多条有趣的轨道地图,玩家进行拼接组合,火车沿着指定的轨道行驶到目的地,有趣好玩。

- 火车每个部件拼图都附有名称并伴有发音, 让孩子在游戏中学习更多的字词和机械物理知识。

- 支持简体和繁体显示。

- 支持普通话,粤语发音。





- 拼裝蒸汽火車,了解火車部件,輪子,和機械結構。

- 職業體驗遊戲:了解火車工作人員和高鐵司機的日常工作。

- 提供普通客車廂,南瓜車廂,蛋糕車廂,煤炭車廂,平板貨車廂等多款有趣的車廂組合您喜愛火車專列。

- 提供多條有趣的軌道地圖,玩家進行拼接組合,火車沿著指定的軌道行駛到目的地,有趣好玩。

- 火車每個部件拼圖都附有名稱並伴有發音, 讓孩子在遊戲中學習更多的字詞和機械物理知識。

- 支持簡體和繁體顯示。

- 支持普通話,粵語發音。

Train Builder  & Driver Games - 小火车:铁路交通教育拼图游戏 - 小火車:鐵路交通教育拼圖遊戲
Train Builder  & Driver Games - 小火车:铁路交通教育拼图游戏 - 小火車:鐵路交通教育拼圖遊戲
Train Builder  & Driver Games - 小火车:铁路交通教育拼图游戏 - 小火車:鐵路交通教育拼圖遊戲

Trucks for children kids – Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏

No Comments » Written on March 28th, 2017 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids, Cantonese, Taste

Trucks - Construction is a professional experience game for toddlers, preschoolers and kids. The children will experience different kinds of construction processes, knowing what machine vehicle is for digging, how a bridge is constructed, how to build a road. Such a fantastic construction site! Why waiting? Go ahead for a new start!

Age:2-6 years old.

● Different trucks structures and relevant knowledge.
● Professional role plays on the construction site for training the children observation and thinking skills.
● Simple operation like jigsaw puzzle, very interesting and good for logical thinking development.
● Each component is equipped with pronunciation, learning more professional words.
● Happy learning is encouraged by appropriate praises throughout the game. ● Support with Simplified and Traditional Chinese texts.


宝宝可以通过游戏,了解各种建筑物的施工过程,知道卡车,挖掘机等大型建筑机械的构造和用途,大桥是怎么建筑的,路面是怎么铺建的…… 看!建筑工地上处处是一片热火朝天的景象。还在等什么?马上开始吧!


● 了解各种工程车的结构与用途。
● 建筑职业模仿体验游戏,培养宝宝的观察能力和思维能力。
● 游戏操作简单有趣,用拼图组装的方式,发展宝宝的逻辑思维。
● 每个组件拼图都附有名称并伴有发音,让宝宝在游戏中学习认知更多的词组和物件。
● 游戏中附有鼓励语音,使宝宝在快乐的游戏中学习。
● 支持简体和繁体显示。


寶寶可以通過遊戲,了解各種建築物的施工過程,知道卡車,挖掘機等大型建築機械的構造和用途,大橋是怎麽建築的,路面是怎麽鋪建的…… 看!建築工地上處處是一片熱火朝天的景象。還在等什麽?馬上開始吧!


● 了解各種工程車的結構與用途。
● 建築職業模仿體驗遊戲,培養寶寶的觀察能力和思維能力。
● 遊戲操作簡單有趣,用拼圖組裝的方式,發展寶寶的邏輯思維。
● 每個組件拼圖都附有名稱並伴有發音,讓寶寶在遊戲中學習認知更多的詞組和物件。
● 遊戲中附有鼓勵語音,使寶寶在快樂的遊戲中學習。

● 支持簡體和繁體顯示。

Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏 Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏 Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏 Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏 Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏

Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏

Occupations – transportation (Cantonese Pronunciation)-宝宝职业认知-交通工具篇(粤语版)

No Comments » Written on March 15th, 2015 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids, Cantonese

Occupations – transportation is a puzzle game for children. Children can learn various types of vehicles through the game. Starting from the structure of the transports and their drivers (firefighters, police, racing car driver, engineer, pilot),each game provide different experience. ' When I grew up, what do I want to do?' Firefighters, police, racing car driver, construction engineer or pilot?...Come for a try!

Language: cantonese
Apply age: 2 ~ 6 years old children

● Five different kinds of transports (fire brigade, police car, racing car, engineering car, aviation) and their professional knowledge. ● Each category provides games on vehicle assembly and professional imitation.
● The operation is simple and beneficial to the development of logical thinking.
● Each puzzle is attached with name and pronunciation for cognitive development.
● Praises for happy learning.
● Supporting simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese display.







Occupations – transportation (Cantonese Pronunciation) 寶寶職業認知-交通工具篇(粵語版) 宝宝职业认知-交通工具篇(粤语版) Occupations – transportation (Cantonese Pronunciation) 寶寶職業認知-交通工具篇(粵語版) 宝宝职业认知-交通工具篇(粤语版) Occupations – transportation (Cantonese Pronunciation) 寶寶職業認知-交通工具篇(粵語版) 宝宝职业认知-交通工具篇(粤语版) Occupations – transportation (Cantonese Pronunciation) 寶寶職業認知-交通工具篇(粵語版) 宝宝职业认知-交通工具篇(粤语版) The sticker game – transportation (Cantonese Pronunciation) 寶寶職業認知-交通工具篇(粵語版) 宝宝职业认知-交通工具篇(粤语版)

Occupations – transportation (Cantonese Pronunciation) (宝宝职业认知-交通工具篇(粤语版))寶寶職業認知-交通工具篇(粵語版)

Ladder Math 2+(Cantonese Pronunciation): Math and Numbers educational games for kids in Preschool and Kindergarten by kids fun world

No Comments » Written on February 14th, 2015 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids, Cantonese

"Ladder Math 2+" is an mathematical game of enlightenment. It is designed for the baby two years of age or older. Through the fun games, babies are in touch with objects, shapes, numbers, expanding and stimulating the knowledge in maths.

The game uses step-step guide baby understanding of mathematics:
● Pattern classification and understanding
● Recognize numbers
● Count
● Graphics, number of comparisons
● Addition and Subtraction
● Logical arrangement
● Cantonese Pronunciation


《阶梯数学 2+》是专为两岁以上宝宝设计的数学启蒙游戏。通过有趣的游戏,让宝宝对物体形状、数量以及数字等方面有感性认识,激发宝宝对数学的兴趣。



《階梯數學 2+》是專為兩歲以上寶寶設計的數學啟蒙遊戲。通過有趣的遊戲,讓寶寶對物體形狀、數量以及數字等方面有感性認識,激發寶寶對數學的興趣。


Ladder Math 2+ 阶梯数学 2+ 粤语版 Ladder Math 2+ 阶梯数学 2+  粤语版 Ladder Math 2+ 阶梯数学 2+  粤语版 Ladder Math 2+ 阶梯数学 2+ 粤语版 Ladder Math 2+ 阶梯数学 2+ 粤语版

Ladder Math 2+ 阶梯数学 2+ 粤语版

Have A Lucky – 馬上有福

No Comments » Written on January 19th, 2014 by
Categories: Apps, Cantonese, Taste

“Have a lucky”

“soon rich”, “soon having property”, “soon having car”, “soon having lovers”, “soon having everything you want”

Luckiness will soon fall on you, experience and challenge yourself !





Have A Lucky - 馬上有福 - 马上有福 Have A Lucky - 馬上有福 - 马上有福 Have A Lucky - 馬上有福 - 马上有福 Have A Lucky - 馬上有福 - 马上有福

Have A Lucky - 馬上有福 - 马上有福

The New Year Literacy Flashcards-新春识字卡-宝宝过春节(普通话,粤语双语发音)

No Comments » Written on January 19th, 2014 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids, Cantonese

Appropriate age: 6 months to 3 years

On New Year's day, it would be so amusing to hear a little cute baby pop out some Chinese sentences :" Happy New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai"

《The new year literacy cards》 includes the culture of the Chinese lunar New Year, HD pictures cognitive CARDS and real voice of the New Year congratulations statements. The traditional Chinese New Year education is our special New Year gift to the babies. We wish them growing up healthy and receiving lots of red pocket money.


● The Chinese lunar New Year cultural food and customs.

● The traditional New Year congratulations statements.

● Mandarin, Cantonese pronunciation.

● Two ways of display: simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese letters.

● Free of charge.


适用年龄:6个月 – 3岁










適用年齡:6個月 – 3歲









The New Year Literacy Flashcards-新春识字卡-宝宝过春节(普通话,粤语双语发音)-新春識字卡-寶寶過春節(普通話,粵語雙語發音) The New Year Literacy Flashcards-新春识字卡-宝宝过春节(普通话,粤语双语发音)-新春識字卡-寶寶過春節(普通話,粵語雙語發音) The New Year Literacy Flashcards-新春识字卡-宝宝过春节(普通话,粤语双语发音)-新春識字卡-寶寶過春節(普通話,粵語雙語發音) The New Year Literacy Flashcards-新春识字卡-宝宝过春节(普通话,粤语双语发音)-新春識字卡-寶寶過春節(普通話,粵語雙語發音) The New Year Literacy Flashcards-新春识字卡-宝宝过春节(普通话,粤语双语发音)-新春識字卡-寶寶過春節(普通話,粵語雙語發音)

The New Year Literacy Flashcards-新春识字卡-宝宝过春节(普通话,粤语双语发音)-新春識字卡-寶寶過春節(普通話,粵語雙語發音)

Preschoolers Interactive Educational Quiz – 2 Player Game(Cantonese Pronunciation)

No Comments » Written on July 27th, 2013 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids, Cantonese

Apply age: 3 ~ 6 years old
Preschoolers Interactive Educational Quiz is an interactive educational quiz specially designed for preschoolers who can play together with friends, mom and dad. Much more fun!

Preschoolers Interactive Educational Quiz is designed for preschoolers. It can stimulate children's curiosity and creativity. It can encourage the preschoolers to actively learn some knowledge and skills. Single and two people quiz are included in this game. Two people interactive game will encourage parents and children interactively work together, promote parent-child communication. On the other hand, this gives the children a communication platform to play with friend at the same age, promoting psychology and interpersonal ability of the preschoolers. Come and join the game for a great experience and a happy feeling of success!

●Cantonese pronunciation
●A wide coverage of more than 16 topics with sound, color, mathematics, shape, size and professional knowledge. Each topic covers a category of knowledge. The parents and the preschoolers can freely choose their own favorite type.
●Single and two people models, two-way communication.
●Prize awards to increase the enthusiasm and interest of preschoolers.
●Operation is simple and colorful, easy for preschoolers to mater.


《宝宝智趣问答比试》是一款专为学龄前儿童设计的互动益智类问答游戏,可以与爸爸妈妈,小伙伴一起玩,多乐趣! 适用年龄:3~6岁儿童



●操作简单, 色彩鲜艳,,幼小的宝宝也能自主认读和辨识。


《寶寶智趣問答比試》是一款專為學齡前兒童設計的互動益智類問答遊戲,可以與爸爸媽媽,小夥伴一起玩,多樂趣! 適用年齡:3~6歲兒童

《寶寶智趣問答比試》是專為學齡前兒童設計的益智類問答獎勵遊戲,它能激發孩子的求知欲與創造力,並且可使孩子掌握一些知識和技巧。遊戲分單人、 雙人問答兩種比試模式。雙人比賽模式一方面鼓勵父母和孩子一起遊戲及互動,促進親子溝通;另一方面也可與同齡夥伴一起遊戲比試,給孩子們提供一個和同齡小 夥伴一起遊戲、一起交流的平臺,大大促進寶寶們社會心理的形成和人際交往能力的提升……


●操作簡單, 色彩鮮艷,,幼小的寶寶也能自主認讀和辨識。

Preschoolers Interactive Educational Quiz - 2 Player Game(Cantonese Pronunciation) - 宝宝智趣问答比试 - 寶寶智趣問答比試

Preschoolers Interactive Educational Quiz - 2 Player Game(Cantonese Pronunciation) - 宝宝智趣问答比试 - 寶寶智趣問答比試

Preschoolers Interactive Educational Quiz - 2 Player Game(Cantonese Pronunciation) - 宝宝智趣问答比试 - 寶寶智趣問答比試

Preschoolers Interactive Educational Quiz - 2 Player Game(Cantonese Pronunciation) - 宝宝智趣问答比试 - 寶寶智趣問答比試

Preschoolers Interactive Educational Quiz - 2 Player Game(Cantonese Pronunciation) - 宝宝智趣问答比试 - 寶寶智趣問答比試

Preschoolers Interactive Educational Quiz - 2 Player Game(Cantonese Pronunciation) - 宝宝智趣问答比试 - 寶寶智趣問答比試 Preschoolers Interactive Educational Quiz - 2 Player Game(Cantonese Pronunciation) - 宝宝智趣问答比试 - 寶寶智趣問答比試

Birds for Kids HD – FREE Game – 猫猫探秘飞鸟乐园HD -普通话+粤语+英语发音(免费版)

No Comments » Written on June 11th, 2013 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids, Cantonese

Birds for Kids HD is specially designed for the interaction with children. Target age group: 0 to 6 years old.

Different kinds of birds are listed in Birds for Kids HD. For example: swan, peafowl, owl, mandarin duck, eagle, rooster, penguin. The children can learn from interaction with birds in the games. This will build up their memory, increase their curiosity and love to nature.

Birds for Kids HD create its own scene through the computer technology. For example: looking for birds in the forest with nature bird sounds. In the Birds for Kids HD, every single bird has its own sound. The children can touch the bird which will not only let them learning the knowledge of birds but also improve their hand motor skills.

Equipped with three languages pronunciation, the APP is an interesting flashcard. Let's play together.

1.Different kinds of birds in the Zoo, for example: swan, peafowl, owl, mandarin duck, eagle, penguin.
2.Three languages pronunciation: Mandarin, Cantonese, English, learning three languages in one time.
3.Interactivity, every single kind of birds can be touched and interacted with natural bird sound.
4.Lovely drawings of birds.
5.Simple operation, colorful screen.
6.Retina display


《猫猫探秘飞鸟世界》是一款专为婴幼儿设计的识物类互动应用 让小朋友同时认识25种常见鸟类!!

** 适用年龄:0~6岁儿童








●操作简单, 色彩鲜艳,,幼小的宝宝也能自主认读和辨识。



《貓貓探秘飛鳥世界》是一款專為嬰幼兒設計的識物類互動應用 讓小朋友同時認識25種常見鳥類!!

*** 適用年齡:0~6歲兒童








●操作簡單, 色彩鮮艷,,幼小的寶寶也能自主認讀和辨識。


Birds for Kids HD - FREE Game - 猫猫探秘飞鸟乐园HD -普通话+粤语+英语发音(免费版) - 貓貓探秘飛鳥樂園HD -普通話+粵語+英語發音(免費版)

Birds for Kids HD - FREE Game - 猫猫探秘飞鸟乐园HD -普通话+粤语+英语发音(免费版) - 貓貓探秘飛鳥樂園HD -普通話+粵語+英語發音(免費版)

Birds for Kids HD - FREE Game - 猫猫探秘飞鸟乐园HD -普通话+粤语+英语发音(免费版) - 貓貓探秘飛鳥樂園HD -普通話+粵語+英語發音(免費版)

Birds for Kids HD - FREE Game - 猫猫探秘飞鸟乐园HD -普通话+粤语+英语发音(免费版) - 貓貓探秘飛鳥樂園HD -普通話+粵語+英語發音(免費版)

Birds for Kids HD - FREE Game - 猫猫探秘飞鸟乐园HD -普通话+粤语+英语发音(免费版) - 貓貓探秘飛鳥樂園HD -普通話+粵語+英語發音(免費版)

Birds for Kids HD - FREE Game - 猫猫探秘飞鸟乐园HD -普通话+粤语+英语发音(免费版) - 貓貓探秘飛鳥樂園HD -普通話+粵語+英語發音(免費版)

Chinese Flashcards for baby and preschool toddler – 宝宝识字卡-普通话,粤语,英语发音 – 寶寶識字卡-普通話,粵語,英語發音

No Comments » Written on May 13th, 2013 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids, Cantonese

★★★ A Baby must application (6 months – 3 years). ★★★

Chinese Flashcards for baby and preschool toddler is specially designed for babies and preschool toddlers learning Cantonese and English through real pictures. The babies will benefit from the enjoyment of reading. Beside Cantonese, this app can provide pronunciation of Mandarin and English, which allow babies to learn a new language through an interesting way. It includes 15 categories and 180 cards for early education, the best present for babies and preschool toddlers.

●Two models of pronunciation: Cantonese / English, Mandarin/English.
●A full set of high quality real picture cards.
●More than 180 flashcards, a total of 15 categories, covering life on all sides.
●Categories includes wild animals, cars, farm animals, food, vegetables, fruits, numbers, shapes, color, plants, Guangdong cuisine, weather, the digital age, body parts, family and daily supplies. ●Support for Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.
●Simple navigation interface, convenience for the children to use.

★★★ 适用年龄:6个月 – 3岁 ★★★


●粤语/英语,普通话/英语 发音,两种模式自由切换选择。
●类型分别有 野生动物、车、农场动物、食物、蔬菜、水果、数字、形状颜色、植物、广东美食、自然天气、数码时代、身体部位、家庭、日常用品。

★★★ 適用年齡:6個月 – 3歲 ★★★


●粵語/英語,普通話/英語 發音,兩種模式自由切換選擇。
●類型分別有 野生動物、車、農場動物、食物、蔬菜、水果、數字、形狀顏色、植物、廣東美食、自然天氣、數碼時代、身體部位、家庭、日常用品。

Chinese Flashcards for baby and preschool toddler - 宝宝识字卡 -普通话,粤语,英语发音 - 寶寶識字卡 -普通話,粵語,英語發音

Chinese Flashcards for baby and preschool toddler - 宝宝识字卡 -普通话,粤语,英语发音 - 寶寶識字卡 -普通話,粵語,英語發音

Chinese Flashcards for baby and preschool toddler - 宝宝识字卡 -普通话,粤语,英语发音 - 寶寶識字卡 -普通話,粵語,英語發音

Chinese Flashcards for baby and preschool toddler - 宝宝识字卡 -普通话,粤语,英语发音 - 寶寶識字卡 -普通話,粵語,英語發音

Chinese Flashcards for baby and preschool toddler - 宝宝识字卡 -普通话,粤语,英语发音 - 寶寶識字卡 -普通話,粵語,英語發音

Chinese Flash Cards for baby and preschool toddler HD – 宝宝识字卡HD -普通话,粤语,英语发音 – 寶寶識字卡HD -普通話,粵語,英語發音

No Comments » Written on April 7th, 2013 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids, Cantonese

★★★ A Baby must application (6 months – 3 years). ★★★

Chinese Flash Cards for baby and preschool toddler HD is specially designed for babies and preschool toddlers learning Cantonese and English through real pictures. The babies will benefit from the enjoyment of reading. Beside Cantonese, this app can provide pronunciation of Mandarin and English, which allow babies to learn a new language through an interesting way. It includes 15 categories and 180 cards for early education, the best present for babies and preschool toddlers.

●Two models of pronunciation: Cantonese / English, Mandarin/English.
●A full set of high quality real picture cards.
●More than 180 flashcards, a total of 15 categories, covering life on all sides.
●Categories includes wild animals, cars, farm animals, food, vegetables, fruits, numbers, shapes, color, plants, Guangdong cuisine, weather, the digital age, body parts, family and daily supplies. ●Support for Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.
●Simple navigation interface, convenience for the children to use.

★★★ 适用年龄:6个月 – 3岁 ★★★


●粤语/英语,普通话/英语 发音,两种模式自由切换选择。
●类型分别有 野生动物、车、农场动物、食物、蔬菜、水果、数字、形状颜色、植物、广东美食、自然天气、数码时代、身体部位、家庭、日常用品。

★★★ 適用年齡:6個月 – 3歲 ★★★


●粵語/英語,普通話/英語 發音,兩種模式自由切換選擇。
●類型分別有 野生動物、車、農場動物、食物、蔬菜、水果、數字、形狀顏色、植物、廣東美食、自然天氣、數碼時代、身體部位、家庭、日常用品。

Chinese Flash Cards for baby and preschool toddler HD - 宝宝识字卡HD -普通话,粤语,英语发音 - 寶寶識字卡HD -普通話,粵語,英語發音

Chinese Flash Cards for baby and preschool toddler HD - 宝宝识字卡HD -普通话,粤语,英语发音 - 寶寶識字卡HD -普通話,粵語,英語發音

Chinese Flash Cards for baby and preschool toddler HD - 宝宝识字卡HD -普通话,粤语,英语发音 - 寶寶識字卡HD -普通話,粵語,英語發音

Chinese Flash Cards for baby and preschool toddler HD - 宝宝识字卡HD -普通话,粤语,英语发音 - 寶寶識字卡HD -普通話,粵語,英語發音

Chinese Flash Cards for baby and preschool toddler HD - 宝宝识字卡HD -普通话,粤语,英语发音 - 寶寶識字卡HD -普通話,粵語,英語發音