Apply age: 3 ~ 6 years old
Preschoolers Interactive Educational Quiz is an interactive educational quiz specially designed for preschoolers who can play together with friends, mom and dad. Much more fun!
Preschoolers Interactive Educational Quiz is designed for preschoolers. It can stimulate children's curiosity and creativity. It can encourage the preschoolers to actively learn some knowledge and skills. Single and two people quiz are included in this game. Two people interactive game will encourage parents and children interactively work together, promote parent-child communication. On the other hand, this gives the children a communication platform to play with friend at the same age, promoting psychology and interpersonal ability of the preschoolers. Come and join the game for a great experience and a happy feeling of success!
●Cantonese pronunciation
●A wide coverage of more than 16 topics with sound, color, mathematics, shape, size and professional knowledge. Each topic covers a category of knowledge. The parents and the preschoolers can freely choose their own favorite type.
●Single and two people models, two-way communication.
●Prize awards to increase the enthusiasm and interest of preschoolers.
●Operation is simple and colorful, easy for preschoolers to mater.
《宝宝智趣问答比试》是一款专为学龄前儿童设计的互动益智类问答游戏,可以与爸爸妈妈,小伙伴一起玩,多乐趣! 适用年龄:3~6岁儿童
●操作简单, 色彩鲜艳,,幼小的宝宝也能自主认读和辨识。
《寶寶智趣問答比試》是一款專為學齡前兒童設計的互動益智類問答遊戲,可以與爸爸媽媽,小夥伴一起玩,多樂趣! 適用年齡:3~6歲兒童
《寶寶智趣問答比試》是專為學齡前兒童設計的益智類問答獎勵遊戲,它能激發孩子的求知欲與創造力,並且可使孩子掌握一些知識和技巧。遊戲分單人、 雙人問答兩種比試模式。雙人比賽模式一方面鼓勵父母和孩子一起遊戲及互動,促進親子溝通;另一方面也可與同齡夥伴一起遊戲比試,給孩子們提供一個和同齡小 夥伴一起遊戲、一起交流的平臺,大大促進寶寶們社會心理的形成和人際交往能力的提升……
●操作簡單, 色彩鮮艷,,幼小的寶寶也能自主認讀和辨識。