Archive for 2024

English-Chinese Learning Cards 儿童英语启蒙单词卡软件 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡

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Categories: apps for kids

Embark on a journey of growth, habit formation, and language triumphs with EduExplorer! With fun task focus on over 500 words, bilingual pronunciations, and interactive learning experiences, this app is designed to make English learning enjoyable and effective for children. Foster a love for language from an early age and watch as your child conquers linguistic challenges with joyous exploration.

• Simple controls, developed especially for kids age 2-6.
• Vibrant and Adorable Word Images: Engage in memorable learning experiences with lively and cute word images. Quickly and flexibly memorize commonly used English words in daily life.
• Bilingual Word Cards: Explore over 500 words with both Chinese and English pronunciations on interactive word cards suitable for both adults and children.
• Innovative Interactive Review Sessions: Immerse your child in entertaining and innovative interactive review sessions. Create a natural language environment, sparking and nurturing your child's interest in language.
• Rich Categorization: Help your kids grasp various vocabulary categories, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of different words.
• Word Pronunciation and Targeted Quizzes: Enable word pronunciation with point-to-read functionality. Utilize targeted quizzes for a flexible approach to enhancing word memory.
• Support with Simplified and Traditional Chinese texts.





● 生动可爱的单词图片加强记忆,灵活快速记忆日常生活中常用的英文单词。
● 英语单词卡片提供超过500个单词中英文发音,大人小孩都可以使用。
● 星趣味创新的互动复习环节,让孩子完全沉浸其中,打造天然的语言环境,点亮孩子兴趣。
● 分类丰富,帮助宝宝掌握各种不同词汇。
● 提供单词点读,针对性小测试,更灵活地提高对单词的记忆。
● 支持简体和繁体显示。





● 生動可愛的單詞圖片加強記憶,靈活快速記憶日常生活中常用的英文單詞。
● 英語單詞卡片提供超過500個單詞中英文發音,大人小孩都可以使用。
● 星趣味創新的互動複習環節,讓孩子完全沉浸其中,打造天然的語言環境,點亮孩子興趣。
● 分類豐富,幫助寶寶掌握各種不同詞彙。
● 提供單詞點讀,針對性小測試,更靈活地提高對單詞的記憶。
● 支持簡體和繁體顯示。


English-Chinese Learning Cards - 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡

English-Chinese Learning Cards - 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡

English-Chinese Learning Cards - 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡

English-Chinese Learning Cards - 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡

English-Chinese Learning Cards - 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡

English-Chinese Learning Cards - 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡


English-Chinese Learning Cards - 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡