Babies learn to brush teeth-宝宝学刷牙-幼儿生活睡前好习惯培养早教儿童免费应用

No Comments » Written on December 31st, 2015 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids

Apply age: 2 ~ 6 years old

Good morning! A new day start from brushing your teeth! Pick up a toothbrush, shine the baby teeth!

Babies learn to brush teeth is a game for learning teeth brushing. The game will assist babies to form a good habit of teeth brushing, how to care their teeth.

● A game with teeth brushing steps, babies to form a habit of teeth brushing easily.
● Simple steps with interesting, lovely painting styles.
● Voice interaction, happy to learn.
● Support with Simplified and Traditional Chinese texts.




● 游戏中融入刷牙步骤,让宝宝在游戏中爱上刷牙。
● 操作简单有趣,画风可爱。
● 游戏全语音互动,使宝宝在快乐的游戏中学习。
● 支持简体和繁体显示。




● 遊戲中融入刷牙步驟,讓寶寶在遊戲中愛上刷牙。
● 操作簡單有趣,畫風可愛。
● 遊戲全語音互動,使寶寶在快樂的遊戲中學習。
● 支持簡體和繁體顯示。

Babies learn to brush teeth-宝宝学刷牙-幼儿生活睡前好习惯培养早教儿童免费应用-寶寶學刷牙-幼兒生活睡前好習慣培養早教兒童免費應用 Babies learn to brush teeth-宝宝学刷牙-幼儿生活睡前好习惯培养早教儿童免费应用-寶寶學刷牙-幼兒生活睡前好習慣培養早教兒童免費應用 Babies learn to brush teeth-宝宝学刷牙-幼儿生活睡前好习惯培养早教儿童免费应用-寶寶學刷牙-幼兒生活睡前好習慣培養早教兒童免費應用 Babies learn to brush teeth-宝宝学刷牙-幼儿生活睡前好习惯培养早教儿童免费应用-寶寶學刷牙-幼兒生活睡前好習慣培養早教兒童免費應用 Babies learn to brush teeth-宝宝学刷牙-幼儿生活睡前好习惯培养早教儿童免费应用-寶寶學刷牙-幼兒生活睡前好習慣培養早教兒童免費應用

Babies learn to brush teeth-宝宝学刷牙-幼儿生活睡前好习惯培养早教儿童免费应用-寶寶學刷牙-幼兒生活睡前好習慣培養早教兒童免費應用

Toddler’s Preschool Zoo Animals Shape Jigsaw Puzzles Free Game For Kid-宝宝动物园:2-6岁儿童认动物拼图识汉字学英语

No Comments » Written on July 8th, 2015 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids

Toddler's preschool zoo animals shape jigsaw puzzles game is a designed for children in cognitive game.

For ages: 2-6 years old

Children can through puzzle, know the zoo animals and understand the Breeder. Let the child at the same time in the game of relaxed and happy learning.

● know 12 kinds of animals and animal keepers.
● simple drag and drop function, it is easy to learn and control.
●Every animals and objects provide Chinese and English pronunciation.
●Easy operation, bright colors, and the baby can also independent reading and identification.





●操作简单, 色彩鲜艳,,幼小的宝宝也能自主认读和辨识。





●操作簡單, 色彩鮮艷,,幼小的寶寶也能自主認讀和辨識。

Preschool Zoo Animals Shape Jigsaw Puzzles Free Game For Kid 宝宝动物园:2-6岁儿童认动物拼图识汉字学英语 寶寶動物園:2-6歲兒童認動物拼圖識漢字學英語 Preschool Zoo Animals Shape Jigsaw Puzzles Free Game For Kid 宝宝动物园:2-6岁儿童认动物拼图识汉字学英语 寶寶動物園:2-6歲兒童認動物拼圖識漢字學英語 Preschool Zoo Animals Shape Jigsaw Puzzles Free Game For Kid 宝宝动物园:2-6岁儿童认动物拼图识汉字学英语 寶寶動物園:2-6歲兒童認動物拼圖識漢字學英語 Preschool Zoo Animals Shape Jigsaw Puzzles Free Game For Kid 宝宝动物园:2-6岁儿童认动物拼图识汉字学英语 寶寶動物園:2-6歲兒童認動物拼圖識漢字學英語 Preschool Zoo Animals Shape Jigsaw Puzzles Free Game For Kid 宝宝动物园:2-6岁儿童认动物拼图识汉字学英语 寶寶動物園:2-6歲兒童認動物拼圖識漢字學英語

Preschool Zoo Animals Shape Jigsaw Puzzles Free Game For Kid 宝宝动物园:2-6岁儿童认动物拼图识汉字学英语 寶寶動物園:2-6歲兒童認動物拼圖識漢字學英語

ABC Learning For The Baby (Chinese-English Pronunciation)-宝宝学说话-儿童语言启蒙(中英双语)

No Comments » Written on May 15th, 2015 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids

As we all know, the abilities development attribute to the expression and understanding. So the importance of pronunciation and imitation in the early education is without doubt. When your baby opens the mouth start to speak, how to make it happen? Communicate with him/her and repeat the simple word and phrase anytime and anywhere as much as possible.

"ABC Learning For The Baby" will partner with you to help your baby to practice the pronunciation of everyday vocabulary and learn to speak the daily expression. The classified situational-game will guide the baby to enrich the vocabulary and grasp the daily life expression in order to develop the lingual logic. Comparing with the paper-book, this game-based app could interact with the baby with vivid 3-D picture and sound so that the baby could take exercise to develop the language easily.

1. Chinese-English pronunciation.
2. The integrated classification makes sure of the baby who can touch the pleasure of English-learning: ABC:the basic contact of English.
Rhythm:the gathering of all kinds of sound in the daily life.
Life: self-help skills such as brush the teeth and wash hands.
Cooking:the collection of all kinds of food in the kitchen.
Situation: the answer and reply of daily life.
Color: the elementary color of the world.
3. Easy-to-learn and bright-colored accelerate your baby to develop the ability of recognition and pronunciation.




●操作简单, 色彩鲜艳,,幼小的宝宝也能自主认读和辨识。




●操作簡單, 色彩鮮艷,,幼小的寶寶也能自主認讀和辨識。

ABC Learning For The Baby (Chinese-English Pronunciation)-宝宝学说话-儿童语言启蒙(中英双语)-寶寶學說話-兒童語言啟蒙(中英雙語) ABC Learning For The Baby (Chinese-English Pronunciation)-宝宝学说话-儿童语言启蒙(中英双语)-寶寶學說話-兒童語言啟蒙(中英雙語) ABC Learning For The Baby (Chinese-English Pronunciation)-宝宝学说话-儿童语言启蒙(中英双语)-寶寶學說話-兒童語言啟蒙(中英雙語) ABC Learning For The Baby (Chinese-English Pronunciation)-宝宝学说话-儿童语言启蒙(中英双语)-寶寶學說話-兒童語言啟蒙(中英雙語) ABC Learning For The Baby (Chinese-English Pronunciation)-宝宝学说话-儿童语言启蒙(中英双语)-寶寶學說話-兒童語言啟蒙(中英雙語)

ABC Learning For The Baby (Chinese-English Pronunciation)-宝宝学说话-儿童语言启蒙(中英双语)-寶寶學說話-兒童語言啟蒙(中英雙語)

Occupations – transportation (Cantonese Pronunciation)-宝宝职业认知-交通工具篇(粤语版)

No Comments » Written on March 15th, 2015 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids, Cantonese

Occupations – transportation is a puzzle game for children. Children can learn various types of vehicles through the game. Starting from the structure of the transports and their drivers (firefighters, police, racing car driver, engineer, pilot),each game provide different experience. ' When I grew up, what do I want to do?' Firefighters, police, racing car driver, construction engineer or pilot?...Come for a try!

Language: cantonese
Apply age: 2 ~ 6 years old children

● Five different kinds of transports (fire brigade, police car, racing car, engineering car, aviation) and their professional knowledge. ● Each category provides games on vehicle assembly and professional imitation.
● The operation is simple and beneficial to the development of logical thinking.
● Each puzzle is attached with name and pronunciation for cognitive development.
● Praises for happy learning.
● Supporting simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese display.







Occupations – transportation (Cantonese Pronunciation) 寶寶職業認知-交通工具篇(粵語版) 宝宝职业认知-交通工具篇(粤语版) Occupations – transportation (Cantonese Pronunciation) 寶寶職業認知-交通工具篇(粵語版) 宝宝职业认知-交通工具篇(粤语版) Occupations – transportation (Cantonese Pronunciation) 寶寶職業認知-交通工具篇(粵語版) 宝宝职业认知-交通工具篇(粤语版) Occupations – transportation (Cantonese Pronunciation) 寶寶職業認知-交通工具篇(粵語版) 宝宝职业认知-交通工具篇(粤语版) The sticker game – transportation (Cantonese Pronunciation) 寶寶職業認知-交通工具篇(粵語版) 宝宝职业认知-交通工具篇(粤语版)

Occupations – transportation (Cantonese Pronunciation) (宝宝职业认知-交通工具篇(粤语版))寶寶職業認知-交通工具篇(粵語版)