Trucks for children kids – Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏

No Comments » Written on March 28th, 2017 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids, Cantonese, Taste

Trucks - Construction is a professional experience game for toddlers, preschoolers and kids. The children will experience different kinds of construction processes, knowing what machine vehicle is for digging, how a bridge is constructed, how to build a road. Such a fantastic construction site! Why waiting? Go ahead for a new start!

Age:2-6 years old.

● Different trucks structures and relevant knowledge.
● Professional role plays on the construction site for training the children observation and thinking skills.
● Simple operation like jigsaw puzzle, very interesting and good for logical thinking development.
● Each component is equipped with pronunciation, learning more professional words.
● Happy learning is encouraged by appropriate praises throughout the game. ● Support with Simplified and Traditional Chinese texts.


宝宝可以通过游戏,了解各种建筑物的施工过程,知道卡车,挖掘机等大型建筑机械的构造和用途,大桥是怎么建筑的,路面是怎么铺建的…… 看!建筑工地上处处是一片热火朝天的景象。还在等什么?马上开始吧!


● 了解各种工程车的结构与用途。
● 建筑职业模仿体验游戏,培养宝宝的观察能力和思维能力。
● 游戏操作简单有趣,用拼图组装的方式,发展宝宝的逻辑思维。
● 每个组件拼图都附有名称并伴有发音,让宝宝在游戏中学习认知更多的词组和物件。
● 游戏中附有鼓励语音,使宝宝在快乐的游戏中学习。
● 支持简体和繁体显示。


寶寶可以通過遊戲,了解各種建築物的施工過程,知道卡車,挖掘機等大型建築機械的構造和用途,大橋是怎麽建築的,路面是怎麽鋪建的…… 看!建築工地上處處是一片熱火朝天的景象。還在等什麽?馬上開始吧!


● 了解各種工程車的結構與用途。
● 建築職業模仿體驗遊戲,培養寶寶的觀察能力和思維能力。
● 遊戲操作簡單有趣,用拼圖組裝的方式,發展寶寶的邏輯思維。
● 每個組件拼圖都附有名稱並伴有發音,讓寶寶在遊戲中學習認知更多的詞組和物件。
● 遊戲中附有鼓勵語音,使寶寶在快樂的遊戲中學習。

● 支持簡體和繁體顯示。

Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏 Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏 Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏 Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏 Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏

Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏

Baby be polite – children’s early education app-宝宝懂礼貌-日常礼仪,性格培养,好习惯养成儿童早教学习软件

No Comments » Written on July 1st, 2016 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids

How to communicate when received the gift?
How to do when guests to home?
what do you say when you need some help?

The children's game "Baby be polite" can help babies to get social skills! It designs multiple life scenes of daily language for the babies, with interactive games, let babies to learn language within the game, to improve their emotional intelligence and social skills.

Apply age: 2 ~ 6 years old children

● It includes "hello" "thank you" "please", " sorry", and other common polite expressions.
● Kids friendly voice guide, let kids easy to learn and remember the polite words.
● Life scenes design, make kids get more good habit of polite.
● The operation is simple and interesting, characters are cute and kids friendly.
● It supports simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese.





● 游戏中包括 “您好”“谢谢”“请”“对不起”等多个常用生活礼貌用语。
● 发生在宝宝身边的生活场景 ,感同身受,养成懂礼貌的好习惯。
● 操作简单有趣,角色画面可爱。
● 支持简体和繁体显示。





● 遊戲中包括 “您好”“謝謝”“請”“對不起”等多個常用生活禮貌用語。
● 發生在寶寶身邊的生活場景 ,感同身受,養成懂禮貌的好習慣。
● 操作簡單有趣,角色畫面可愛。
● 支持簡體和繁體顯示。

Baby be polite - children's early education app-宝宝懂礼貌-日常礼仪,性格培养,好习惯养成儿童早教学习软件 Baby be polite - children's early education app-宝宝懂礼貌-日常礼仪,性格培养,好习惯养成儿童早教学习软件 Baby be polite - children's early education app-宝宝懂礼貌-日常礼仪,性格培养,好习惯养成儿童早教学习软件 Baby be polite - children's early education app-宝宝懂礼貌-日常礼仪,性格培养,好习惯养成儿童早教学习软件 Baby be polite - children's early education app-宝宝懂礼貌-日常礼仪,性格培养,好习惯养成儿童早教学习软件

Baby be polite - children's early education app-宝宝懂礼貌-日常礼仪,性格培养,好习惯养成儿童早教学习软件

Kids Telling Time – Learning Time: Helping Children to Learn to Tell Time-宝宝学习时间:儿童认识数字时钟,钟表结构,秒表闹钟免费早教教育游戏

No Comments » Written on June 27th, 2016 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids

Ages: 3-7 years old.

"Don't be late!" In order to form a good habit in daily life, learning and understanding time is crucial for kids. Kids Learning time is a game to experience how to repair clock, understand the structure of the clock and how to use digits to present time. These will help kids to develop their sense of time and their future time management.

● learning the relationship between digits and time.
● leaning the hands on round clock and how time is presented.
● Involving professional experience of repairing clocks and watches in order to understand the structure of the clock.
● Interactive language and music in game.
● Simple operation and cute drawing style.
● Supporting simplified and traditional Chinese display.




● 认识数字和时间的关系。
● 认识整点、半点等,以及指针在时钟的指示方式。
● 游戏中融入修理钟表的职业体验,了解钟表结构。
● 游戏全语音互动,使幼儿有时间管理的观念,几点去哪儿,几点读书看书,几点吃饭睡觉。
● 操作简单有趣,画风可爱。
● 支持简体和繁体显示。




● 認識數字和時間的關系。
● 認識整點、半點等,以及指針在時鐘的指示方式。
● 遊戲中融入修理鐘表的職業體驗,了解鐘表結構。
● 遊戲全語音互動,使幼兒有時間管理的觀念,幾點去哪兒,幾點讀書看書,幾點吃飯睡覺。
● 操作簡單有趣,畫風可愛。
● 支持簡體和繁體顯示。

Kids Telling Time - Learning Time: Helping Children to Learn to Tell Time-宝宝学习时间:儿童认识数字时钟,钟表结构,秒表闹钟免费早教教育游戏 Kids Telling Time - Learning Time: Helping Children to Learn to Tell Time-宝宝学习时间:儿童认识数字时钟,钟表结构,秒表闹钟免费早教教育游戏 Kids Telling Time - Learning Time: Helping Children to Learn to Tell Time-宝宝学习时间:儿童认识数字时钟,钟表结构,秒表闹钟免费早教教育游戏 Kids Telling Time - Learning Time: Helping Children to Learn to Tell Time-宝宝学习时间:儿童认识数字时钟,钟表结构,秒表闹钟免费早教教育游戏 Kids Telling Time - Learning Time: Helping Children to Learn to Tell Time-宝宝学习时间:儿童认识数字时钟,钟表结构,秒表闹钟免费早教教育游戏

Kids Telling Time - Learning Time: Helping Children to Learn to Tell Time-宝宝学习时间:儿童认识数字时钟,钟表结构,秒表闹钟免费早教教育游戏

Subway Guide – Educational Puzzle Game for Kids-宝宝认识地铁-儿童幼儿学习交通工具早教教育拼图游戏

No Comments » Written on May 27th, 2016 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids

The subway is becoming such an important and efficient transportation in cities that we cannot travel without. Subway Guide For Kids is a cognitive game for children. Through the games, children will learn more about train structures and how to travel by train. Woo, the train is entering the train station, let's experience the fun of traveling by trains!

Language : mandarin

Ages: 2-6 years

● various little games for children to learn how to take trains and what is the structure of trains.
● simple operation for different games to develop children' logical thinking.
● vocal praises are set in every aspect of the games for fun and to improve children' language skills.
● support simplified and traditional Chinese display.







●多种小游戏,让宝宝了解搭乘地铁的流程和地铁列车的结构, 地铁线路图,购票,排队,站台候车,礼貌用语。
●游戏中每个环节都设有语音以及鼓励语, 让宝宝在游戏提升语言能力以及在快乐的游戏中学习。







●多種小遊戲,讓寶寶了解搭乘地鐵的流程和地鐵列車的結構, 地鐵線路圖,購票,排隊,站臺候車,禮貌用語。
●遊戲中每個環節都設有語音以及鼓勵語, 讓寶寶在遊戲提升語言能力以及在快樂的遊戲中學習。

Subway Guide - Educational Puzzle Game for Kids-宝宝认识地铁-儿童幼儿学习交通工具早教教育拼图游戏 Subway Guide - Educational Puzzle Game for Kids-宝宝认识地铁-儿童幼儿学习交通工具早教教育拼图游戏 Subway Guide - Educational Puzzle Game for Kids-宝宝认识地铁-儿童幼儿学习交通工具早教教育拼图游戏 Subway Guide - Educational Puzzle Game for Kids-宝宝认识地铁-儿童幼儿学习交通工具早教教育拼图游戏 Subway Guide - Educational Puzzle Game for Kids-宝宝认识地铁-儿童幼儿学习交通工具早教教育拼图游戏

Babies learn to brush teeth-宝宝学刷牙-幼儿生活睡前好习惯培养早教儿童免费应用-寶寶學刷牙-幼兒生活睡前好習慣培養早教兒童免費應用